We kicked off our first drop-in class of the 2015 season last Monday night with 7 remarkable teams attending. Both seasoned veteran teams of Michelene with Journey and Pat with Gussie did extremely well considering this was the first class of the season as Gussie and Journey were jumping about the same distance they did at the end of the 2014 season!
Team Nikki and Dottie with Penny were very impressive. They have been working with Penny for more than a year. Patience and persistence has paid off; Penny went off the dock with great gusto numerous times Monday night!
We are very proud of extreme novice jumper teams, Mandy with Diesel and Lisa and Pete with Cobalt. It was the first time dock diving for both Diesel and Cobalt. Both dogs jumped off the dock; big kudos to both teams!
Team Deborah with Ruby thought that they might have to wait until much later in the season to be ready to compete. Ruby surprised us all with some incredible jumps and no hesitation at the end of the dock, there’s no stopping her now!
We were so pleased with the progress team Carol Ann with Elvis made this session. Five month old Elvis learned to water retrieve and listened to his handler. No simple task for a 5 month old pup with all the distractions we have during class.
We are looking forward to the next class on June 1st; we can’t wait to see how much more these awesome teams can do! If you have not reserved your spot for the next class, please call or email (info@crosscreekdogs.com) us ASAP. Classes are filling up fast.
Don’t forget, if you need extra practice, we offer private lessons or private dock time, just give us a call (513-734-0004) to schedule a time. Thanks to all that attended class!